February 16, 2012

Taipei Me Crazy

Finally, the good stuff. Taipei was an extremely vibrant, lively & incredibly interesting city. The people, the smells, the sounds, the textures, the tastes... everything was beyond my expectations & sucked me into a deep love affair with the city. I don't want to drag on with chatty chit of what I liked/loved (aka everything) I feel like the following selected photos (out of 798 pictures taken...nbd) truly tell my Taipei experience.

Lantern Festival in Taipei

delicious food market

pork buns baking

ferris wheel cake

our first bubble tea of the trip...it was perfection

quail egg omelette balls

breaky sammich

in house coffee @ Sparta Coffee 

best green tea latte


elvis sandwich haha



hot springs in Beitou

how did this get here?

more bubble tea

back to nomming @ the food market

so great

Taipei 101

fastest elevator in the WORLD


wonton & noodles

National Concert Hall

National Theatre

Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall

1 comment:

  1. These pictures are so amazing! I can't get over all the amazing culinary delights you are discovering!! Save room in the ol'tum tum for some euro treats!
