February 28, 2012

Favorite Things Right Meow

I have an uber amount of posts+pics to upload in the very near/immediate future on my whereabouts the last 10 odd days (Big Buddha, Tai-O Fishing Village, Ocean Park, Stanley Market, Cheongju, Seoul etc...) but this requires photo uploads to occur. And I'm lazy. Slash busy showing Jennifer, my roomie from home, around HK & finishing some much needed hmwk for school (ya, I still have to do that while I'm here). In the meantime, here are my favorite things right this second - enjoy!

pastel nail polish

pretty much OBSESSED with this band/song/music

Nutella - but that's nothing new if you know me even just a little

I pinkie promise I will get on the newest adventures ASAPPPPPPP!! SAWWWWWY

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