May 14, 2012

HKU Campus

To answer all you skeptics out there, yes I did in fact go to school this past semester. I know this may seem implausible with the amount of travelling I've been doing but me swears. My lovely little campus of HKU became my monday-friday life (more like tuesday-thursday, but who's counting really). The campus is gorgeous & if you ever have time while in HK I def suggest to take a quick looksie at all the old&new buildings. One warning though, its situated on a hill therefore LOTS&LOTS of stairs/escalators/elevators. It's a somewhat complex campus to navigate at first, but there are enough signs all over to help the lost wanderers. Here are my fave pics of this gorg campusiooooo!

East Gate entrance

map for when I get lost

the beginning of many, many stairs

I did go to the library :)

casual pond in the middle of campus

cute little froggy

stairs+escalators+more stairs+more escalators

yes, this is my campus <3

the ultimate of gorg

pretty pretty

i love my friends <3

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