April 18, 2012

Food in HK V [Noodles+Desserts]

There really is nothing better than good friends+good food... well I guess the better combination could be GREAT FRIENDS+GREAT FOOD, ya that sounds better. Two of my favorites have traveled all zee way from the Great White North to Hong Kong/South East Asia to come see MEEEEE slash backpack this majestic continent. I was so so excited & decided that their first night had to be done RIGHT (foodwise of course)! I took them to 2 musts in HK - noodles & dessert. The first stop was Wing Wah Noodle Shop (in Wan Chai) where we munched on some delicious wonton soup, noodles w oyster sauce and more wontons. This inconspicuous spot is simple on decor+service but makes up for it with their intense tastes, aromas and homemade/handmade noodles. We then walked down a few more blocks & ate at a delicious little dessert chain called Honeymoon Dessert (I always wonder where they come up w these names, too hilar). This was a mouth watering experience where we each ordered a little bit of everything; banana&mango "pancakes" (they were not pancakes but small, doughy pockets filled w fruit&whipped cream), glutinous mango bites, sticky rice balls w peanuts&sesame seeds, this ice cream/shaved ice & fruit combo & a watermelon based "soup". Overall, uberly indulgent & deliciously awesome. 

handmade noodles+oyster sauce+wontons

mango&banana "pancakes" 

glutinous mango bites 

sticky rice balls w peanut+sesame

green tea + vanilla ice cream w fruit, jelly things in a coconut milk soup

watermelons+watermelon soup+tofu

nomming complete

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