April 14, 2012

Food in HK III [Tung Po Restaurant]

Ahhh I love when I'm taken to an unusually scrumptious meal that fills my palette & stomach (& heart for that matter) with the most tantalizing tastes & aromas... These are what dreams are made of people. This is what a foodie lives for. Okie, so maybe I'm exaggerating a little (just a tinsy bit) but for reals, this place was da bomb. It was a hot, noisy & crowded restaurant in the North Point neighborhood. This HK style "tai pai dong" (discovered by my friend Andrew, which was brought to him by Anthony Bourdain's No Reservations episode found here, here & here) is located above a food market & has the freshest, most unique seafood dishes I've had so far. Here is my experience in pictures...
On our way up to the restaurant... charming little spot right?
round tables of all sizes are scattered throughout this place, packed w mostly locals eating & chatting (LOUDLY)

zee menu

some servers (presumably the beer girls) are dressed in errrr "unique" outfits to make sales, I suppose

Andrew performing the typical cleaning of the dishes

our beers have arrived...oh and they're served in bowls?

yep that's right, they're served in bowls

cheers everyone!

b4 the food arrives

a simply delicious & irresistible classic - fried noodles w soy sauce... tastes better than it looks, I swear 

absolutely DELICIOUS - crunchy fish dish w toast, my FAVE dish of the night

some crispy+crunchy shrimp=nom noms

another aerial of the nomming

going w some veggie goodness enveloped in an egg based nest thing...delish

what's under the leaf?

more nommies! a fried rice of sorts, soo tasty

okie so I didn't get a great shot of the MUST TRY up close, but that black mess of a dish? that is squid ink spaghetti! though it sounds unappetizing to most, it was surprisingly decent - not my fave but not my least fave, just a different tang to it! be careful though, it leaves your mouth BLACK!

suggested by our waiter, this chicken dish is simple yet NOMMMMS to the MAXXX

we came, we ordered, we ate

so delish

& that was Tung Po Restaurant my friends!

1 comment:

  1. soo jealous. All your hk foodie pics got me cravin!

