March 12, 2012

Food in Gold Coast

G'day mate! As some of you may or may not knooooooowwww, I had the ultimate pleasure of spending my reading week (aka spring break aka ANOTHER WEEK OFF SCHOOL) in Gold Coast. One of my besties, the one & only Arthur, is studying at Bond University & I thought it was time to see what I was missing. A few things to warn you - First, I took an AGGRESSIVE amount of pictures. How many you may ask? 1119 to be exact. Like I said, aggressive - so sorry in advance if the second post on Aussie comes a little later since I am in the process of editing/gawking/reminiscing through all the pics. Second, there will be an insane amount of beach pictures. About 95% of my pictures were taken at the beach. Whatever, over it. Anyways, back to this post! Here is some of the scrumptiousness that I consumed while on me trippy trip & let me tell you it was divine. Hope you likey!

el menu at Vintage Espresso - an adorable vintage themed cafe in Mermaid Beach. SO NOMS (more photos of the inside to come, promises)

recommended drink - Kickarse. Essentially a coffee&caramel blended milkshake - to DIE for

you can't tell me this looks UNREAL

sweet potato "cakes", poached eggs, avocado & bacon all topped w hollandaise sauce #droolworthy

bread + herbs+ goat cheese = pure bliss

loving on the fruit stores

don't know why, but I couldn't get enough of plums this trip

tapas w Arthur - chicken skewers, calamari (which were perfect by the by) & wings

homemade caramel & chunks icecream in Burleigh Heads

lunch by the sea? 

casual beach noms - veggies, quinoa cakes, sammich

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