March 2, 2012

Food in HK [ft. Jenn]

Saved these bad boys for a reason. Some of what we consumed during Jennifer's visit (in no particular order). Enjoy drooling & nomming my fellow foodies.
first dindin in HK

appetizing ourselves

we did good

cleaned up

vegetarian lunch @ Po Lin Monastery

interesting to say the least...not sure if I'd do it again though

because she HAD to get cotton candy

force feeding haha

carb overload?

new obsession

cheesy, yummy oysters 

not even sure WHERE this is, but having a delicious street bun

digging in, whatever

craycray icecream flavors

Lin Heung Tea House for dim sum

experimenting with new choices

but the classic always wins


cucumber&crab salad


we got him to smile for us

delicious thai lunch in Central for HK Restaurant Week

beef curry of some sort...mouth watering I tell ya

1/2 price sushi in Causeway - DELISH

we were obsessed ok?

San Miguel beer FTW

temple street dindin

spicy crab...drool away my friends, drool away

well that didn't last long

All in all, I think Jenn got a great mix of all the tastes & textures that HK has to offer (which is a lot in case you didn't know)

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