January 11, 2012

New Adventures to Come!

Why hello there. It's been a while. A thousand apologies for my clearly delayed posts, I am lazy I know. I STILL have to make a Sweden post, which I promise will come someday in the near or distant future (there'd be no way of knowing). But right now here is an update: I am on exchange in the gorgeous city of Hong Kong (HK from here on out) for the next 5 months. What does this mean you may ask? Oh well it means I will be doing a plethora of posts in the near (not distant) future. As part of my NewYearsResolution2012 I have decided to commit myself to blogging about my experiences for my familia, friends and anyone who is remotely interested in my experiences, thoughts & opinions. Other resolutions I have come up with you may ask? Well here's my list (now that its on the WORLDWIDEWEB I guess I have to keep them... so expect updates on their progress):
1. Blog often - Write down all experiences at the end of each day & blog about them on a weekly/bi-weekly basis.
2. Visit 15 countries - clearly Asia will help me w this & a Euro trip w some besties in June
3. Run a marathon - I'm thinking the Toronto Marathon in the fall. Need to have a fitness goal to achieve :)
4. Begin volunteering - I am most excited for this because once I settle myself in the fall, I would love to be involved with a great organization (suggestions?)
5. Think of a 5th resolution... this is a work in progress, or as we clever accountants call it WIP. I'm a nerd, whatever.

That's it, that's all for now. Hope I can live up to some of your unrealistic expectations & I WILL remember to blog this time. I swear. I'll try. Bully me to. Here's a teaser pic from HK.

PS follow me on twitter @cmatute (you don't have to, but it could be fun? possibly? maybe? commmmonnnnn)

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