May 2, 2011

First day in Paris

What a wicked first day to spend in Paris - we walked everywhere!!
We get into Charles de Gaulle after a long flight from Newark, our backpacks are the first luggages to come out (lucky us) and we meet my lovely aunt at the arrival terminal. We eat a quick, but ABSOLUTELY delicious, lunch consisting of quiche, baguette & salad. Yummmm, I love love LOVE this French food. My aunt gives us bus/metro tickets, maps of the city and off we go to explore... We take a bus that goes along "la seine" and we get off at l'hotel de ville. We wandered towards a Parisienne must - Notre Dame. Even with some overcast, the church was majestic & beautiful. We go inside and see the incredible architecture, paintings, sculptures and windows. I was hoping to get a glimpse of quasimodo (sp?) but unfortunately didn't get the chance.
From there, Jon & I walked along la seine, passed la Louvre, walked through les jardins de tuileries, rested in front of the place concord while there was a light rain, walked through the latin quarters and stopped at the one and only eiffel tower. We also stumbled upon an interesting little treasure on "le pont des arts" - along this bridge there are HUNDREDS of locks, pad locks and locker locks along the caged bridge with initials on each... Not sure what this is about, but our best guess was that couples come to this bridge, declare their love to each other and put a lock? If anyone knows I'd love to know why.
Finally we got back to the apartment, had dinner (baguette, Wine, chicken, vegetables AND crème caramel.... So yummy). Thats all for now :)
Ps sorry for possible mispelling, using a french keyboard !!
Notre Dame
Inside the majestic church
Pont des Arts
Being silly @ the Louvre
Jardin de Tuileries
Taking a break in the park
View of Place de la Concorde
We see the Eiffel Tower
K&M from Camille&Jon

1 comment:

  1. Mr. B has the answer on the padlocks....lovers commit their love to each other by inscribing a lock and attaching to a fence. The key is discarded. This also occurs in Rio de Janero and Soeul South Korea.
